To execute the example, create an HTML page and execute the following operations:
1. Add links to the following files: PP.css, PP.Express.css.
Also add links to the following JS files: PP.js, PP.Metabase.js, PP.Express.js and
2. In the <head> tag specify style for the elements:
<style type="text/css"> body, html { height: 100%; width: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; } </style>
3. Then in the <head> tag add a script that creates a container for the express report tool ribbon EaxRibbon:
var metabase, eaxAnalyzer, eaxMbService, settings, ribbon, waiter, saveAsD, openD, eaxGrid; var IMAGE_PATH = "../Img/"; function createView(source, service) { // Create the Waiter component eaxGrid = new PP.Exp.Ui.EaxGrid({ ParentNode: document.body, Source: eaxAnalyzer, Service: eaxMbService, Height: 300, Width: 300, ImagePath: IMAGE_PATH });
var chartCategory, tableCategory, dataCategory, mapCategory, titleCategory; // Create container for express report ribbon ribbon = new PP.Exp.Ui.EaxRibbon({ Source: eaxAnalyzer, // Set data source for ribbon Enabled: true, // Enable the ribbon ImagePath: IMAGE_PATH, MainButton: { Content: "dataCategory" }, ParentNode: document.body, // Set tabs for ribbon Categories: [ // Create the Chart tab chartCategory = new PP.Exp.Ui.ChartCategory({
Source: eaxAnalyzer, // Set data source for tab Service: eaxMbService, // Set service // Specify DataChanged event handler MatadataChanged: function (sender, args) { eaxGrid.refresh(args); // Refresh table }, // Specify ControlChanged event handler ControlChanged: function (sender, args) { eaxGrid.refresh(args); // Refresh table }, // Set PropertyChanged event handler PropertyChanged: function (sender, args) { alert("Property is changed on the Chart tab"); },
// Set RequestMetadata event handler RequestMetadata: function (sender, args) { alert("Metadata is requested on the Chart tab"); }, ImagePath: IMAGE_PATH }), // Create the Data tab dataCategory = new PP.Exp.Ui.DataCategory({ Source: eaxAnalyzer, // Set data source for tab ImagePath: IMAGE_PATH, Service: eaxMbService, // Specify DataChanged event handler MetadataChanged: function (sender, args) { eaxGrid.refresh(args); // Refresh table },
// Set PropertyChanged event handler PropertyChanged: function (sender, args) { alert("Property is changed on the Data tab"); }, // Set RequestMetadata event handler RequestMetadata: function (sender, args) { alert("Metadata is requested on the Data tab"); } }), // Create the Map tab mapCategory = new PP.Exp.Ui.MapCategory({ Source: eaxAnalyzer, // Set data source for tab ImagePath: IMAGE_PATH, Service: eaxMbService,
// Specify DataChanged event handler MetadataChanged: function (sender, args) { eaxGrid.refresh(args); // Refresh table }, // Set PropertyChanged event handler PropertyChanged: function (sender, args) { alert("Property is changed on the Map tab"); }, // Set RequestMetadata event handler RequestMetadata: function (sender, args) { alert("Metadata is requested on the Map tab"); } }), // Create the Table tab
tableCategory = new PP.Exp.Ui.TableCategory({ Source: eaxAnalyzer, // Set data source for tab ImagePath: IMAGE_PATH, DataView: eaxGrid, Service: eaxMbService, // Specify DataChanged event handler MetadataChanged: function (sender, args) { eaxGrid.refresh(args); // Refresh table }, // Set PropertyChanged event handler PropertyChanged: function (sender, args) { alert("Property is changed on the Table tab"); }, // Set RequestMetadata event handler RequestMetadata: function (sender, args) { alert("Metadat is requested on the Table tab"); }
}), // Create the Title tab titleCategory = new PP.Exp.Ui.TitleCategory({ Source: eaxAnalyzer, // Set data source for tab ImagePath: IMAGE_PATH, Service: eaxMbService, // Specify DataChanged event handler MetadataChanged: function (sender, args) { eaxGrid.refresh(args); // Refresh table }, // Set PropertyChanged event handler PropertyChanged: function (sender, args) { alert("Property is changed on the Title tab"); },
// Set RequestMetadata event handler RequestMetadata: function (sender, args) { alert("Metadata is requested on the Title tab"); } })], Width: 600, Height: 600, // Set Collapsed event handler Collapsed: function (sender, args) { alert("Collapse"); }, // Set Expanded event handler Expanded: function (sender, args) {
alert("Expand"); }, // Set Printing event handler Printing: function (sender, args) { alert("Print"); }, // Set SaveAs event handler SaveAs: function (sender, args) { alert("The Save As menu item is selected"); }, // Set DataChanged event handler DataChanged: function (sender, args) {
// Refresh table eaxGrid.refresh(args); }, // Set handler for the DiscussMenuOpened event DiscussMenuOpened: function (sender, args) { alert("The Share menu is opened); }, // Set handler for the Discuss event Discuss: function (sender, args) {
alert("The Share menu item is selected); }, // Set handler for the PropertyChanged event PropertyChanged: function (sender, args) { alert("The property is changed"); }, // Set handler for the NewReport event NewReport: function (sender, args) { alert("The New Report menu item is selected); }, // Set hander for the Exported event Exported: function (sender, args) {
alert("The Export menu item is selected"); }, // Set Closed event handler Closed: function (sender, args) { alert("The Close menu item is selected"); }, // Set Exited event handler Exited: function (sender, args) { alert("The Exit menu item is selected"); }, // Set Opened event handler Opened: function (sender, args) {
alert("The Open menu item is selected"); }, // Set Saved event handler Saved: function (sender, args) { alert("The Save menu item is selected"); }, // Set RequestMetadata event handler RequestMetadata: function (sender, args) { alert("Request metadata"); },
// Set CreatedCopy event handler CreatedCopy: function (sender, args) { console.log("The Save As menu item is selected"); }, // Set CreatedReport event handler CreatedReport: function (sender, args) { console.log("The Save menu item is selected"); } }); // Refresh all ribbon elements ribbon.refreshAll(); // Set table view for each tab
chartCategory.bindView(eaxGrid); mapCategory.bindView(eaxGrid); titleCategory.bindView(eaxGrid); tableCategory.bindView(eaxGrid); dataCategory.bindView(eaxGrid); } function Ready() { waiter = new PP.Ui.Waiter(); // Create repository connection metabase = new PP.Mb.Metabase({
ExportUrl: "PPService.axd?action=export", ImportUrl: "PPService.axd?action=import", PPServiceUrl: "PPService.axd?action=proxy", Id: "WAREHOUSE", UserCreds: { UserName: "user", Password: "password" }, StartRequest: function () { // Show the Waiter component; }, EndRequest: function () { // Hide the Waiter component waiter.hide(); },
Error: function (sender, args) { // Output error message alert(args.ResponseText); } }); // Open repository connection; // Create a service eaxMbService = new PP.Exp.EaxMdService({ Metabase: metabase }); // Open document with the 109 key eaxAnalyzer = eaxMbService.edit(109);
//Create a view createView(eaxAnalyzer, eaxMbService); }; window.onerror = function () { // In case of error hide the Waiter component if (waiter) waiter.hide(); };
4. The <body> tag and its contents must look as follows:
<body onselectstart="return false" class="PPNoSelect" onload="Ready()"> </body>
Executing the example places the EaxGrid and EaxRibbon components to the HTML page:
See also: