

CalendarViewMode: PP.Exp.CalendarViewMode;


The CalendarViewMode property determines calendar dimension work mode.


Use the setCalendarViewMode method to set the value of the CalendarViewMode property, or set it from JSON, and get the property value using the getCalendarViewMode property.

By default it contains the value PP.Exp.CalendarViewMode.Full.


Executing the example requires that the HTML page contains the ExpressBox component named expressBox (see Example of Creating the ExpressBox Component). Get information about express report dimension:

// Get dimension
pDim = eaxAnalyzer.getDims()[2];
// Get display variant if dimension is calendar
console.debug("Calendar dimension display variant: " + pDim.getCalendarViewMode());
// Check if dimension can be private and whether it is private
console.debug(pDim.getIsCanFix() ? "Dimension can be fixed" : "Dimension cannot be fixed");
console.debug(pDim.getIsFixed() ? "Dimension is fixed" : "Dimension is not fixed");
// Get parameters of displayed attributes
console.debug(pDim.getMultipleAttributesEnabled() ? "Displaying of multiple attributes via separator: available" : "Displaying of multiple attributes via separator: not available");
console.debug("Displayed attributes: " + pDim.getNamingAttributes());
console.debug("Attributes are separated via character: " + pDim.getMultipleAttributesSeparator());
console.debug(pDim.getMultipleAttributesSpaced() ? "Attributes and separator are divided with space" : "Attributes and separator are not divided");
// Get information about selection mode and dimension position
console.debug(pDim.getMultiSelect() ? "Multiple selection is available" : "Multiple selection is not available");
switch (pDim.getPosition()) {
  case "Left":
    console.debug("Dimension is located by rows");
  case "Top":
    console.debug("Dimension is located by columns");
  case "Fixed":
    console.debug("Dimension is located in fixed dimensions");
// Get object with dimension metadata

After executing the example the console displays dimension parameters with the 2 index including object with dimension metadata.

See also:
