

setGridCMenuCornerCell(report: PP.Exp.EaxDocument, metadata: Object, callback: PP.Delegate);


report. Express report document.

metadata. Settings of table header corner cell as a JSON object with the headerTitleType property that determines type of this cell contents.

callback. Callback function.


The setGridCMenuCornerCell method implements items of context menu for table header corner cell.


Executing the example requires that the HTML page contains the ExpressBox component named expressBox (see Example of Creating the ExpressBox Component) and have a loaded table in express report working area. Show names of row dimensions in table header corner cell:

// Get a service used to work with express report
var eaxMdService = expressBox.getService();
// Get express report document
var eaxAnalyzer = expressBox.getSource();
// Determine metadata
var metadata = {
    headerTitleType: "Rows" // Take dimension names by rows
// Determine arguments for callback function
var args = new PP.Mb.Ui.PropertyChangedEventArgs({   
    PropertyName: PP.Exp.Ui.GridCMenu.CornerCell,
    Metadata: metadata,
    TypeUpdateData: PP.Exp.Ui.ViewTypeUpdate.Table
// Determine callback function
var onSetCallbackSuccess = function (sender, args) {    
    var grid = expressBox.getDataView().getGridView();    
    grid.ContextMenuChanged.fire(grid, args.Args);
// Place dimension names by rows in the table corner cell
eaxMbService.setGridCMenuCornerCell(eaxAnalyzer, metadata, PP.Delegate(onSetCallbackSuccess, eaxMdService, args));

After executing the example corner cell of table header shows name of dimension in rows.

See also:
