

setEnabled3D (report: PP.Exp.EaxDocument, value: Boolean, callback);


report. The report for which you enable and disable 3D map displaying.

value. Parameter that determines whether 3D maps will be available in the report: True - 3D maps are available, False - are not available.

callback. Callback procedure.


The setEnabled3D method determines whether 3D maps can be shown in express report.


3D mode of map displaying enables and disables on clicking the 3D button in the Map tool ribbon tab. If 3D mode of map displaying is enables, the Color and Height tabs appear in the Selection tab of properties panel, in the Metrics dimension panel:


Executing the example requires that the HTML page contains the ExpressBox component named expressBox (see Example of Creating the ExpressBox Component). Enable map displaying in 3D mode:

//Get report source
source = expressBox.getSource()
//Get a service used to work with express reports
service = expressBox._Service;
//Enable displaying of 3D maps
service.setEnabled3D(source, False);

After executing the example 3D map displaying is enabled for the express report. The Color and Height tabs appear in the Metrics dimension panel. These tabs are used to select data for color and height indicators (see the figure in the Comments section).

See also:
