

getHighlightState ();


The getHighlightState method returns minimum and maximum values of dimension elements' highlighting.


The method returns a JSON object with the fields min and max. It returns undefined if the Highlight Values Between in the Data tab is not checked.


Executing the example requires that the page contains the ExpressBox component named expressBox, and a service for working with express reports named eaxMdService (see Example of Creating the ExpressBox Component). In the Data tab check the Highlight Values Between checkbox and enter values in value editors. Output values of value editors to the console:

propBar = expressBox.getPropertyBarView();
dataP = propBar.getDataPanel();
state - dataP.getHighlightState();
console.log("Minimum value:" +  state.min);
console.log("Maximum value:" +  state.max);

After executing the example the browser console displays values of value editors used to enter minimum and maximum values of dimension elements' highlighting.

See also:
