

openObject(mbObject, openMode, settings);


mbObject. PP.Mb.Object | Object. Repository object

An object with creation settings of PP.Mb.Object or an object containing the following fields can be passed:

k : Number // Determines the "Key" property of repository object
n : String // Determines the "Name" property of repository object
i : String // Determines the "Id" property of repository object
c : Number // Determines the "Class" property of repository object
"@isShortcut" : Boolean // Determines the "IsShortcut" property of repository object
"@isLink" : Boolean // Determines the "IsLink" property of repository object
p : Number // Determines the "ParentKey" property of repository object

openMode. PP.App.OpenMode. Mode of repository object opening.

settings. Object. Additional parameters of object opening. Optional parameter.

It can contain the target field that is name of a new dialog box where a unit opens. If the parameter is not specified, it opens in the same dialog box.

The parameter is identical to the settings parameter of the PP.App.openAppModule method.


The openObject method opens repository object.


The method use is given in the example for PP.App.setObjectName.

See also:
