
The PP.Ufe.Ui namespace contains classes that are used to work with universal formula editor visualizers.


  Class name Brief description
CollapsedDimPanel The CollapsedDimPanel class implements a drop-down panel containing a tree with dimension elements.
ExpandedDimPanel The ExpandedDimPanel class implements a panel containing a metadata tree, a search bar and a formula insert button.
FormulaEditor The FormulaEditor class implements the FormulaEditor component that is an formula editor.
MetaTree The MetaTree class implements a dimension metadata tree.
Term The Term class implements the term used in the term editor.
TermEdit The TermEdit class implements the TermEdit component, that is an editor of expressions composed using terms.
TransformDialog The TransformDialog class implements the TransformDialog component that is a dialog box for creating and editing a formula of express report dimension element.
TransformDialogDimPanel The TransformDialogDimPanel class implements panels with data about dimension in the TransformDialog component.
TransformDialogLeftPanel The TransformDialogLeftPanel class implements the TransformDialog component panel that contains express report dimension data.
TransformFilterDialog The TransformFilterDialog class implements a dialog box for creating and editing filters of the TransformDialog component.
WbkTransformDialog The WbkTransformDialog class is used to create and edit a formula of workbook dimension element.


  Enum name Brief description
CalcDirection The CalcDirection enumeration contains directions of calculation in calculator.
CalcMethod The CalcMethod enumeration contains methods of calculation in calculator.
DimCalendarLvl The DimCalendarLvl enumeration contains series calculation steps.

See also:

Class Library