
Namespace contains classes of the visual controls.


  Class name Brief description
AddAggregationDialog The AddAggregationDialog class implements a dialog box for adding a series calculated using an aggregation method.
AddNonLinearRegressionDlg The AddNonLinearRegressionDlg class implements the dialog for adding non-linear regression.
AddSLS2Dialog The AddSLS2Dialog class implements a dialog box for adding a linear regression (estimation with instrumental variables method).
AggregationWizardView The AggregationWizardView class implements aggregation parameters panel.
ArimaWizardView The ArimaWizardView class implements panel of the wizard for setting up ARIMA calculation method parameters.
BaxterKingFilterWizardView The BaxterKingFilterWizardView class implements panel of the wizard for setting up Baxter King filter parameters.
CalculatorWizardView The CalculatorWizardView class implements view of the calculator wizard in the Parameters panel.
ChartCategory The ChartCategory class implements the Chart tab on the workbook tool ribbon.
ChooseFrequencyDialog The ChooseFrequencyDialog class implements the Add Series dialog box.
CointegrationEquationWizardView The CointegrationEquationWizardView class implements settings panel for the Error Correction Model method.
ComponentMismatchWizard The ComponentMismatchWizard class implements a wizard that selects changed values of time series data.
CrossDatabaseMappingsDialog The CrossDatabaseMappingsDialog class implements a dialog box for attributes mapping in the workbook.
CrossDatabaseWizard The CrossDatabaseWizard class implements data validation wizard that validates data by comparing it with time series database.
CrossFrequencyWizard The CrossFrequencyWizard class implements a wizard that validates data by comparing frequency levels of their time series.
CustomAnalysisWizard The CustomAnalysisWizard class implements wizard that validates data by performing custom analysis of time series.
DataCatView The DataCatView class implements the Data tab in the tool ribbon.
EquationAutoFitPanel The EquationAutoFitPanel class implements a panel used to automatically select exponential smoothing parameters.
EquationPeriodDialog The EquationPeriodDialog class implements the Truncate method dialog box.
EquationPeriodPanel The EquationPeriodPanel class implements the Calculation Periods panel.
EquationProcessPanel The EquationProcessPanel class implements the Missing Data Treatment panel.
EquationSmoothingSlidingPanel The EquationSmoothingSlidingPanel class implements the Moving Average panel of the method X11.
EquationWeightCoefficientsPanel The EquationWeightCoefficientsPanel class implements the Weight Coefficients panel of the X11 method.
ExplainValidationErrorDialog The ExplainValidationErrorDialog class implements a dialog box for explaining a data validation error in the workbook.
ExponentialSmoothingWizardView The ExponentialSmoothingWizardView class implements parameters calculation setup wizard for the Exponential Smooting method.
ExpressionEditorDialog The ExpressionEditorDialog class implements an expression editor in the workbook.
FormulasCatView The FormulasCatView class implements the Calculations tab in the tool ribbon.
HieTreeView The HieTreeView class implements a component for showing the MetaHierarchy object.
HistoryPanel The HistoryPanel class implements series history panel.
HistoryWindow The HistoryWindow class implements history window for selected series.
HodrickPrescottFilterWizardView The HodrickPrescottFilterWizardView class implements panel of Hodrick-Prescott filter parameters.
LanerBox The LanerBox class implements the LanerBox component used to show a workbook table.
LanerBoxView The LanerBoxView class implements view of the LanerBox component.
LevelAnalysisDialog The LevelAnalysisDialog class implements a dialog box of data validation rule where data is compared with a number in workbook.
LevelWizard The LevelWizard class implements data validation wizard that compares data with a number.
LinearRegressionEquationWizardView The LinearRegressionEquationWizardView class implements the linear regression parameters wizard.
MainCatView The MainCatView class implements the Home ribbon tab.
MainSeriesPanel The MainSeriesPanel class implements the Primary panel, used to set up basic parameters of the time series shown in the data table.
MetaAttributeTree The MetaAttributeTree class implements a component that displays hierarchy of factors catalog of Foresight Analytics Platform BI server.

The MetaDataViewerPanel class implements attributes panel of the Series side panel tab.

MissingDataWizard The MissingDataWizard class implements data validation wizard for the Missing Data validation type.
MissingMetadataWizard The MissingMetadataWizard class implements data validation wizard for the Missing Metadata validation type.
NavBreadcrumb The NavBreadcrumb class implements a component used to display and control workbook attributes based on the PP.Ui.Master.
NavBreadcrumbItem The NavBreadcrumbItem method implements a panel that shows attribute dimension tree.
NavBreadcrumbView The NavBreadcrumbView class implements view of the NavBreadcrumb component.
NewRevisionDlg The NewRevisionDlg class implements the dialog box for adding a label.
NonLinearRegressionEquationWizardView The NonLinearRegressionEquationWizardView class implements the wizard used to set up non-linear regression parameters.
ObserveAttributesPanel The ObserveAttributesPanel class implements the observation attributes panel on the properties panel.
OutputSerieWizardView The OutputSerieWizardView class implements a wizard for output series selection.
ParametersPanel The ParametersPanel class implements the parameters panel in the properties panel.
PeriodSeriesViewItem The PeriodSeriesViewItem class implements the Series panel in the workbook side panel.
PeriodSeriesViewMaster The PeriodSeriesViewMaster class implements the wizard that shows and manages workbook attributes in the side panel.
RatioWizard The RatioWizard class implements a wizard for time series data validation by comparing observations ratio.
ReadonlyCatView The ReadonlyCatView class implements the Home ribbon tab in view mode.
RevisionComparisonDialog The RevisionComparisonDialog class implements a dialog box for data validation by comparing data versions in the workbook.
RevisionComparisonWizard The RevisionComparisonWizard class implements a wizard for data validation by comparing their versions in the workbook.
RevisionMetadataComparisonWizard The RevisionMetadataComparisonWizard class implements a wizard for data validation by comparing workbook metadata versions.
RevisionsPanel The RevisionsPanel class implements revision panel for time series database.
RollbackRevisionDlg The RollbackRevisionDlg class implements revision rollback dialog for a workbook.

The RibbonChartEnum enumeration contains properties of the Chart tool ribbon tab.

SerieAttributesPanel The SerieAttributesPanel class implements the panel used to edit attribute values of selected series.
SerieRevisionsPanel The SerieRevisionsPanel class implements the Revisions panel for a specific series.


The SeriesAbstractCatView class implements an abstract tab of the workbook tool ribbon that contains buttons for managing time series.


The SlideSmoothingWizardView class implements a panel that shows moving average parameters.


The SpliceMethodWizard class implements time series splicing wizard.


The TabSheetDataSource class implements data source for a sheet in time series splicing wizard.


The StatisticalOutliersWizard class implements a wizard for data validation by analysis of statistical outliers of time series data.


The StatTabSheet class implements workbook spreadsheet.


The TableCatView class implements the Table tab of workbook ribbon.


The TablePanel class implements table settings panel in the workbook side panel.


The TabStatPanel class implements TabControl with tabs to display statistics.


The TrendWizard class implements a wizard for data validation by comparing time series trends.


The TrendWizardView class implements trend parameters setup wizard.


The TSService class implements service used to work with time series analysis


The UserFunctionsDialog class implements a dialog for setting up custom functions in a workbook.


The ValidationCatView class implements the Validation tab on the workbook tool ribbon.


The ValidationErrorsPanel class implements validation errors panel in the workbook.


The ValidationGroupSettingsDialog class is a dialog box for editing a group of validation rules in a workbook.


The ValidationRulesPanel class implements the validation rules panel in the workbook.


The ValidationSettingsDialog class implements a dialog box for editing data validation rule in a workbook.


The ViewAsDialog class implements the Transformation Editing dialog box.


The ViewCatView class implements View tab in the tool ribbon.


The WbkCategoryView class implements a basic category of the time series analysis tool ribbon.


The EaxDataBox class implements the EaxDataBox component for displaying and controlling workbook data.


The WbkDataView class implements view of the component for displaying workbook data.


The WbkPropertyBar class implements workbook view and properties management via navigation bar.


The WbkPropertyBarView class implements workbook properties panel.


The WbkRibbon class implements workbook ribbon.


The WbkRibbonView class implements a component that shows a menu as a tool ribbon.


The WbkSaveDataDialog class implements data save dialog box.


The WbkToolBar class implements a component used to shows the toolbar for the tools that control report views visibility.


The WbkToolBarView class implements a component used to shows the toolbar for the tools that control report views visibility.


The WbkValidationTree class implements validation tree.


The Workbook class describes workbook data model.


The WorkbookBox class implements workbook displaying.


The WorkbookView class implements workbook view.


The X11EquationWizardView class implements seasonal adjustment wizard.


  Enum name Brief description
AggregationWizardView.Mode The AggregationWizardView.Mode enumeration contains formula types.
ControlType The ControlType enumeration contains types of controls and properties in workbook.
FormulaTypeEnum The FormulaTypeEnum enumeration contains types of formulas for calculating calculated series values.
HPSmoothingParameterModeType The HPSmoothingParameterModeType enumeration contains method of defining smoothing parameter for Hodrick Prescott filter.
LnSerieKind The LnSerieKind enumeration is used to define series type.
ModeSelectorType The ModeSelectorType enumeration contains possible variants of menu items layout.
MastersEnum The MastersEnum enumeration contains wizards available in the properties panel in series mode.
PropertyGroups The PropertyGroups enumeration contains IDs of all groups in the side panel.
RibbonTableStyleEnum The RibbonTableStyleEnum enumeration contains type of table style (The Table->Style ribbon tab).
TabTablePredefinedStyle The TabTablePredefinedStyle enumeration contains table formatting styles.
StatSeasonalityType The StatSeasonalityType enumeration is used to select seasonality model.
TsCollapseType The TsCollapseType enumeration is used to define aggregation method.
TsFormulaKind The TsFormulaKind enumeration is used to select calculation method.
TsGridDefaultCMenu The TsGridDefaultCMenu enumeration contains types of context menu items in a table.
TsSpliceType The TsSpliceType enumeration is used to select series splice method.
TsSpliceDirection The TsSpliceDirection enumeration contains type of series splice direction.
ValidationSettingsDialogMode The ValidationSettingsDialogMode enumeration contains display modes for the dialog box used to edit data validation rule in workbook.
ViewTypeUpdate The ViewTypeUpdate enumeration contains types of controls and actions in express report.
WbkContext The WbkContext enumeration contains types of context in side panel.
WbkObjectType The WbkObjectType enumeration contains possible methods of displaying visual components.
WbkPropertyViews The WbkPropertyViews enumeration contains views properties.
WbkPropViewMode The WbkPropViewMode enumeration contains types of bookmarks in the properties panel.
WbkTablePanMode The WbkTablePanMode enumeration contains view properties.