Example of creating the ImportDataWizard component

To execute the example, in the HEAD tag of the HTML page add links to the following JS and CSS files:

Add the DIV element with the div1 identifier in the BODY tag.

Add the following script in the SCRIPT tag:

function onLoad()
    var importDataWizard; // data import wizard
    var monitorDiv = document.getElementById('div1');
    PP.resourceManager.setRootResourcesFolder("resources/"); // path to the folder with text resources
    PP.setCurrentCulture(PP.Cultures.ru); // current locale - Russian
    PP.ImagePath = "build/img/"; // path to the folder with text resources
    PP.ScriptPath = "build/"; // path to the folder with scripts for loading (PP.TabSheet.js)
    PP.CSSPath = "build/"; // path to the folder with css
    function _onMetabaseOpened(sender, args)
            //corresponding message is displayed on the page
            monitorDiv.innerHTML += "<br/>Repository is opened.";
            //service for working with import object
            var dataImportService = new PP.Mb.DataImportService({ Metabase: mb });
            //event generated on import completion
            dataImportService.ImportCompleted.add(_onImportCompleted, dataImportService);
            //create a data import wizard
            importDataWizard = new PP.Mb.Ui.ImportDataWizard({
                ParentNode: document.body,
                CubeImport: dataImportService.openCubeImport(),
                FileUploadUrl: mb.getImportUrl(),
                DefaultImportFolderDesc: { k: 206035, i: null, n: null, c: 0 } // Place import result in the folder with the 206035 key
    //when import is finished successfully and when import is finished with error, the page displays corresponding messages
    function _onImportCompleted(sender, args)
        monitorDiv.innerHTML += "<br/>Import is finished";
        if (args.CubeInfo)
            monitorDiv.innerHTML += "<br/>successfully. Object identifier: " + args.CubeInfo.i + "<br/>File name: " + importDataWizard.getCubeImport().getFileName() + ".";
            monitorDiv.innerHTML += "<br/> with error. Error identifier: \"" + args.ErrorInfo.id + "\". Error text: \"" + args.ErrorInfo.message + "\"";
    //repository connection
    var mb = new PP.Mb.Metabase(
        PPServiceUrl: "http://localhost/FPBI_App_v10.x/axis2/services/PP.SOM.Som",
        Id: "Repository",
        UserCreds: {
            UserName: "user",
            Password: "password"
    document.getElementById("div1").innerHTML += "Opening repository…";

After executing the example the data import wizard opens on the page. After the user follows all steps of the wizard and clicks Done on the last stage, the HTML page shows a message that informs if the import is successful or not.

See also:
