JSON Format Specification for Map Setup

To set up the map view, use the file with the *.xml extension, which data is converted into the JSON format.

Below is the JSON structure for map setup:


    //Root element

    "MapChart": {

        //Items dictionary used to configure the map

        "ItemsDictionary": {

         //Brush collections:

             //With solid fill

            "SolidColorBrush": [],

            //With linear gradient fill

            "LinearGradientBrush": [],

            //With radial gradient fill

            "RadialGradientBrush": [],

         //Fonts collection

            "Font": [],

         //Labels collection

            "MapLabel": [],


            "MapToolTip": {},

         //Scales collection

            "MapScale": [],

         //Dependencies collection

            "DataDependency": [],

         //Effects collection:

            //Fill color change effect

            "BrushEffect": [],

            //Blur effect

            "BlurEffect": [],

            //Size change effect

            "ScaleEffect": [],

            //Borders color change effect

            "BorderEffect": []


         //Map layers collection

        "MapLayers": {

         //Map layer

            "MapLayer": [


                  //Map factors collection:

                   "MapLayer.Visuals": {

                        //fill factor

                        "MapAreaVisual": {},

                        //bar factor

                        "MapBarVisual": {},

                        //Pie factor

                        "MapPieVisual": {}


                    //Icons collection

                    "MapLayer.Milestones": {

                        //image icon

                        "MapImageMilestone": {},

                        //polygon icon

                        "MapPolygonMilestone": {}





       //Map areas collection

        "MapShapes": {

//Map area

                "MapShape": {}


       //Arrows collection

        "MapArrows": {

            //Simple arrow

            "MapSimpleArrow": {},

            //Arrow with fill

            "MapFilledArrow": {},

            //Fancy arrow

            "MapFiguredArrow": {}


       //Legends collection

        "MapLegends": {

          //Map legend

            "MapLegend": {}



        //Territory detailing

        "MapTerritoryTranscript": {},

        // Map grid

        "MapGrid": {},


        "MapTimeline": {},

        //Data sources collection

        "DataSources": {

           //Data source

            "DataSource": {


                "Dimension": []



       //Collection of the map areas names

        "RegionsNames": {

//Map area name

            "RegionName": []




See also:

Creating a DHTML Map