Example of Creating the ListBox Component

Executing the example requires a file containing a set of icons with "icons16x16.png" name in the build/img/app/ folder.

In the HEAD tag add links to PP.js and PP.css files.

Add the DIV element with the "example" identifier to the BODY tag.

In the SCRIPT tag add a code for creation of the ListBox component:

var listbox = new PP.Ui.ListBox({ //Create an instance of the ListBox component.
    ParentNode: document.getElementById("example"),
    ImageList: new PP.ImageList({
        //Sprite source
        Source: "../build/img/app/icons16x16.png",
        //Size of images in sprite
        IconHeight: 16,
        IconWidth: 16
    //List width.
    Width: 200
//Add list elements:
listbox.addItem("Regular report");
listbox.addItem("Express report");
//For all elements of the list set index of the column and row from the sprite:
for (var i = 0; i < listbox.getItems().length; i++) {

After executing the example the ListBox component will be created on the HTML page, that will look as follows:

See also:
