

setTabSheet (value);


value. JSON object that contains table parameters.


The setTabSheet method sets table parameters.


The method sets a JSON object with the following fields:

Field name Type Brief description
EnableNativeContextMenu Boolean Determines whether browser context menu is available for the table. Available values:
  • true. Browser context menu is available.

  • false. Default value. Browser context menu is unavailable.

EnableSelection Boolean Determines whether manual selection of table cells is available. Available values:
  • true. Default value. Selection is available.

  • false. Selection is unavailable.


The following code is executed in the browser console on the page of Foresight Analytics Platform standard web application with opened express report, regular report, workbook, or dashboard.

//Get web application settings
conf = PP.Ui.getConfig();
//Indicate that browser context menu can be opened for the table
conf.setTabSheet({EnableNativeContextMenu: true});

After executing the example browser context menu is available for the table.

See also:
