

setChart (value: JSON);


value. JSON object that contains table parameters.


The setChart method sets chart parameters.


The method returns a JSON object with the following fields:

Field name Type Brief description
Animation Boolean Determines whether series animation is used on rebuilding the chart. Available values:
  • true. Animation is enabled.

  • false. Default value. Animation is disabled.

ShowLoadConfirm Boolean Determines whether to show a notice concerning possible time-consuming load, if the chart contains a large amount of points. Available values:
  • true. Default value. Warning is displayed.

  • false. Animation is disabled.

EnableCanvas Boolean Determines whether the Canvas element is used to render a chart. Available values:
  • true. Used.

  • false. Default value. It is not used.


The following code is executed in the browser console on the page of Foresight. Analytics Platform standard web application with opened express report, regular report, workbook, or dashboard.

//Get web application settings
conf = PP.Ui.getConfig();
//Enable series animation on chart rerendering
conf.setChart({Animation: true});

After executing the example chart of the open report is rendered using animation.

See also:
