

FooterLine: PP.Ui.LineLabel;


The FooterLine property determines a line near the legend footer.


Property value is set from JSON.


To execute example, create the HTML page and execute the following operations:

1. Add links to the following JS and CSS files in the <head> tag:

2. Specify settings of the container where legend is located in the <body> tag:

<body onresize="onresize()">
    <div id="container" style="position: absolute; top: 50px; left: 50px; width: 900px; height: 700px; border: solid 1px #888">

3. Add a scenario to create a legend in the <script> tag:

&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;
    // Set legend size
    var Area = new PP.Rect({ Top: 0, Left: 0, Width: 900, Height: 700 });
    // Set value scale 
    var Scale = new PP.ScaleBase({
        &quot;Id&quot;: &quot;Scale0&quot;,
        &quot;Values&quot;: &quot;0.0 30.0 60.0 100.0&quot;,
        &quot;Items&quot;: &quot;#FF00FF00 #FF40D000 #FF808000 #FFD04000 #FFFF0000&quot;,
        &quot;EnableEquality&quot;: &quot;false&quot;,
        &quot;NoData&quot;: &quot;#FF808080&quot;,
        &quot;TypeArguments&quot;: &quot;Brush&quot;
    // Determine legend settings
    var Settings = {
        Scale: Scale, //value scale
        AutoColumnsCount: false,
        MaxHeight: 50,
        MaxWidth: 30,
        MaxHeaderWidth: 20,
        Style: {
            Release: {
                Background: {
                    PPType: PP.SolidColorBrush,
                        Color: &quot;#80F0F0F0&quot;
                    &quot;Font&quot;: {
                    &quot;IsItalic&quot;: &quot;false&quot;,
                    &quot;FontFamily&quot;: &quot;Arial&quot;,
                    &quot;Size&quot;: &quot;20&quot;,
                    &quot;IsBold&quot;: &quot;false&quot;,
                    &quot;Color&quot;: &quot;#FF000000&quot;
        LessFormat: &quot;less than {0:#,##0.00}&quot;, // value labels
        GreaterFormat: &quot;greater than {0:#,##0.00}&quot;,
        BetweenFormat: &quot;from {0:#,##0.00} to {1:#,##0.00}&quot;,
        NoDataText: &quot;no data&quot;,
        TextWrapping: &quot;NoWrap&quot;,
        TextSpacing: &quot;10&quot;,
        Marker: &quot;Circle&quot;,
        IsOuter: &quot;False&quot;,
        IsOverlap: &quot;False&quot;,
        ColumnCount: &quot;3&quot;, // number of columns with legend values
        HorizontalAlignment: &quot;Top&quot;, // legend position in container
        VerticalAlignment: &quot;Top&quot;,
        Padding: &quot;4 4 4 4&quot;, // paddings between values
        Margin: &quot;6 6 6 6&quot;,
        Header: { // legend header
            Text: &quot;Header&quot;,
            Margin: &quot;2 2 2 2&quot;,
            Padding: &quot;2 2 2 2&quot;,
            HorizontalAlignment: &quot;Left&quot;,
            Style: {
                Release: {
                    Font: {
                        IsItalic: &quot;False&quot;,
                        FontFamily: &quot;Arial&quot;,
                        Size: &quot;15&quot;,
                        IsBold: false,
                        Color: &quot;#FF008000&quot;
        Footer: { // Legend footer
        Text: &quot;Footer&quot;,
        HorizontalAlignment: &quot;Left&quot;,
        Margin: &quot;2 2 2 2&quot;,
        Padding: &quot;2 2 2 2&quot;,
        FooterLine: new PP.Ui.LineLabel({ // line near footer
            // Set line width
            LineHeight: 1,
            // Set line color
            LineColor: PP.Color.Colors.darkviolet
        HeaderLine: new PP.Ui.LineLabel({ // line near header
            // Set line width
            LineHeight: 1,
            // Set line color
            LineColor: PP.Color.Colors.darkviolet
    // Apply all settings for legend and draw it in container
    var legend = new PP.Ui.IntervalsLegend(Settings);

After executing the example the HTML page will contain a legend with specified parameters:

See also:
