

getDimOdId(dimKey: Number, sourceKey: Number, compoundDimKey:);


dimKey. Key of an express report dimension.

sourceKey. Dimension source key.

compoundDimKey. Private dimensions of express report as a compound dimension.


The getDimOdId method returns moniker for express report dimension.


The method returns a moniker for express report dimension as follows: {session_ID}!{object_ID}.


Executing the example requires that the HTML page contains the ExpressBox component named expressBox (see Example of Creating the ExpressBox Component), and the express report data source must have one or more dimensions. Determine key and name of the first express report data source, key of cube from this source and key, moniker and position of the first dimension:

var eaxAnalyzer = expressBox.getSource();
var sourceKey;  // Key of express report data source
var cubeKey; // Key of cube from express report data source
// Check if express report has data sources
if (eaxAnalyzer.hasDataSources()) {
    // Get dimension source with the 0 index
    var dimSource = eaxAnalyzer.getDimSources()[0];
    if (dimSource != null) {
        // Get dimension source key
        sourceKey = dimSource.getKey();
        // Get data source name
        sourceName = eaxAnalyzer.getSourceName(sourceKey);
        console.log("Dimension source key: " + sourceKey);
        console.log("Dimension source name: " + sourceName);
    eaxAnalyzer._Metadata = eaxAnalyzer.getMetadata();
    // Get key of the first express report data source
    var sourceKey = eaxAnalyzer.getMetadata().dataSources.its.it[0].k;
    console.log("First data source key: %s", sourceKey);
    console.log("First data source name: %s", eaxAnalyzer.getSourceName(sourceKey));
    // Get key of cube from the first express report data source
    var sourceKey = eaxAnalyzer.getSourceKey(0);
    console.log("Key of cube from the first data source: %s", sourceKey);
// Get express report dimensions
var dims = eaxAnalyzer.getDims();
if (dims == null) {
    console.log("This express report does not have dimensions.")
} else {
    // Get key of the first express report dimension
    var dimKey = dims[0].getKey();
    var dimOdId;
    // Get dimension moniker by its key and its source key
    if (cubeKey != null) {
        dimOdId = eaxAnalyzer.getDimOdId(dimKey, cubeKey);
    } else {
        dimOdId = eaxAnalyzer.getDimOdId(dimKey);
    console.log("Dimension key: " + dimKey);
    console.log("Dimension moniker: " + dimOdId.id);
    console.log("Dimension position in cube: " + eaxAnalyzer.getDimPosition(dimKey));

After executing the example the browser console displays key and name of the first express report data source, key of cube from this source, and key, moniker and position of the first dimension:

First data source key: 2

First data source name: Actual data of Time series database

Key of cube from the first data source: 3014

Dimension key: 1646


Dimension position in cube: Left
