Working with Bubble Chart


This page contains classes and enumeration used to work with a bubble chart.


  Class name Brief description
class_image.gif BubbleChart The BubbleChart class implements a bubble chart.
class_image.gif BubbleChartMasterGrid The BubbleChartMasterGrid class implements a tab to work with X/Y axis in bubble chart setting master.
class_image.gif BubbleChartMasterTooltips The BubbleChartMasterTooltips method implements the Tooltips page in the bubble chart setup wizard.
class_image.gif BubbleChartObject The BubbleChartObject class implements a bubble chart item.
class_image.gif BubbleChartObjectCollection The BubbleChartObjectCollection class implements a collection of bubble chart items.
class_image.gif ChartAngleLineCollection The ChartAngleLineCollection class implements a collection of slanted lines in a bubble chart.
class_image.gif ChartArea The ChartArea class is a bubble chart area.
class_image.gif ChartAreaFill The ChartAreaFill class is a rectangular fill area.
class_image.gif ChartAxis The ChartAxis class is a bubble chart axis.
class_image.gif ChartGrid The ChartGrid class is a coordinate grid of bubble chart.
class_image.gif ChartGridLineCollection The ChartGridLineCollection class implements a collection of bubble chart coordinate gridlines.
class_image.gif ChartHistory The ChartHistory class displays values history of bubble chart bubbles.
class_image.gif ChartLabel The ChartLabel class is a text label in a bubble chart.
class_image.gif ChartLabelCollection The ChartLabelCollection class implements a collection of bubble chart text labels.
class_image.gif ChartLine The ChartLine class is a bubble chart line.
class_image.gif ChartLineCollection The ChartLineCollection class implements a collection of bubble chart lines.
class_image.gif ChartMarker The ChartMarker class determines bubble chart axis label.
class_image.gif ChartSectorFill The ChartAreaFill class is an angle fill area.
class_image.gif ChartSelection The ChartSelection class is selection of bubble chart bubble.
class_image.gif ChartSerie The ChartSerie class is a data series in a bubble chart.
class_image.gif ChartSeriePoint The ChartSeriePoint class is a bubble chart bubble.
class_image.gif ChartSVGLabel The ChartSVGLabel class is a bubble chart SVG label.
class_image.gif ChartSymbol The ChartSymbol class is a symbol of bubble chart bubble.
class_image.gif ChartTooltip The ChartTooltip class is a bubble chart tooltip.
class_image.gif ChartTooltipBase The ChartTooltipBase class is a base tooltip class.


  Enum name Brief descrtiption
HoverMode The HoverMode enumeration contains options of tooltip showing.
IntervalsLegendMarkerShape The IntervalsLegendMarkerShape enumeration lists types of marker shapes.
LineTypes The LineTypes enumeration lists line types.
NoDataHistoryMode The NoDataHistoryMode enumeration lists modes of displaying history of a bubble that does not have data in specified dimensions at specified time line points.
VisualizerItemStyle The VisualizerItemStyle enumeration contains types of styles of bubble chart visual elements.
VisualType The VisualType enumeration contains types of visual items in bubble chart.

See also:

Class Library