





settings. JSON object with parameters for plugin registration.

The following parameters are available:

Parameter name Type Brief description
Mandatory parameters:
Id string Plugin block identifier.
Name string Plugin block name.
View string Visualizer class name.
Master string Master class name.
Js string Path to *.js file for dynamic loading of script with plugin implementation.
Optional parameters:
Icon string Path to plugin icon (16*16).
SourceClass number Value of data source object type for object filtering on data source selection.
The default value is 2827 - Time series analysis. If the value is not set (null) or is equal to -1, the plugin does not use data source.
Props object Additional plugin parameters for setting default values.


The regPluginBlock method registers plugin of dashboard.


It is used to connect plugin to dashboard in the web application.

To register plugin:

  1. Make sure that the *.js file of the plugin contains a registration block.

  2. Open the dashboard in the web application.

  3. Execute the Kap.regPluginBlock method in the browser console:

    Id: "SOURCELABEL", //id that is used to link plugin block with its implementation
    Name: "Sourcelabel", //block type name
    View: "PP.Ui.MyLabel", //visualizer class or visualizer class name
    Master: "PP.Ui.MyMaster", //master class or master class name
    Icon: "../build/img/app/MainIcon.png", //path to plugin icon (16*16), optional parameter
    SourceClass: 2561, //data source class code; if it is not set, dashboard designer will not provide data source for plugin
    Js: "http://test/fp_App_v10.x/plugins/SourceLabel.js " //for dynamic loading of script with plugin implementation

After executing the operations the plugin is registered in the web application and connected during method call.

IMPORTANT. When the plugin is registered, all dashboard settings changes are valid until the browser page is refreshed.


The method use is given in the Comments section.

See also:
