InTransaction: Boolean;
The InTransaction method returns whether the transaction with the database was initialized.
To initialize the transaction, use the IDalConnection.StartTransaction method. If the transaction is initialized and can be used at the moment, the InTransaction methods returns True. If the transaction is not available (completed earlier, closed by timeout, not initialized for some reason, and so on), the method returns False.
To apply the changes executed within the transaction, use the IDalConnection.Commit method, to rollback the changes, use the IDalConnection.Rollback method.
Add links to the Dal system assembly.
Sub UserProc;
Driver: IDalDriver;
Connect: IDalConnection;
Command: IDalCommand;
ConnectDesc: IDalConnectionDescriptor;
ConnectDescParams: IDalConnectionDescriptorParams;
Driver := New DalOrcl8Driver.Create;
ConnectDesc := Driver.CreateDescriptor;
//Connection parameters
ConnectDescParams := ConnectDesc.Params;
ConnectDescParams.Find("User Name").Value := "User";
ConnectDescParams.Find("Password").Value := "Password";
ConnectDescParams.Find("Host BSTR").Value := "OrclServer";
ConnectDescParams.Find("Schema").Value := "Repository";
//Create a connection
Connect := ConnectDesc.CreateConnection;
Command := Connect.CreateCommand;
Command.SQL := "Insert Into Table_1 values ('AA','BB',11,22,'12.12.2002')";
//Initialize initialization
If Connect.InTransaction Then
//Finish transaction with data saving
End If;
End Sub UserProc;
On executing the example the repository connection is established with specified location parameters. After that the transaction is initialized. If no errors have been occurred, and the transaction has been initialized, the SQL query is executed that adds a new record to the Table_1 table.
See also: