

ExecuteWithoutLastEx(ClearParamSetsOnError: Boolean): Integer;


ClearParamSetsOnError. The parameter that determines whether the counter of the processed sets of parameter values is cleared after executing the method.


The ExecuteWithoutLastEx method executes a command with all sets of parameters except for the last one and returns the number of processed records.


If the True value is passed as the ClearParamSetsOnError parameter, this method works similarly with the IDalCommand.Execute method.

If the ClearParamSetsOnError property is set to False, after executing the method, the counter of processed sets of parameter values available in the IDalCommand.CurrentParamsRow property is not cleared. If on executing the command errors occur, get the IDalCommand.CurrentParamsRow value to find out how many sets were processed. Use the SetCurrentParamsRow method to go through the parameter sets and execute a separate command with the selected values. Thus a set of values can be determined that causes SQL query runtime error.


The example of executing the command without clearing the counter of used parameter values is given in the example of the ExecuteEx method.

See also:
