

The DalCommandOption enumeration contains parameters of SQL query execution.

It is used by the following properties and methods:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 None. Parameters set by default are used.
1 NoLog. Queries are not logged in DebugView.
2 ExceptionIncludeSQL. Text of the SQL query is included into the text of exception.
4 WithoutException. Do not generate exception if SQL query is failed.
8 CaseSensitive. Take into account case in SQL query. It is relevant on working with case sensitive DBMS.
16 InsertIdentity. Use source values for the Identity field.
32 FastInsert. Use the FastInsert command in a standard connection if possible.
64 HintOptimizeFetchAll. Optimize all data sample from large cursor if possible.
128 NoCursorInQuery. Do not use cursors in SQL queries.


Value of InsertIdentity is used on working with Microsoft SQL Server DBMS.

Values of FastInsert, HintOptimizeFetchAll are used on working with PostgreSQL DBMS.

Disabled cursors in the NoCursorInQuery mode may affect the speed of SQL query execution. It is relevant if small data amounts are extracted.

See also:

Dal Assembly Enumerations