

The IScene3DSeriesClickArgs interface returns description of graphic objects, for which the OnSeriesDoubleClick event has occurred (double-clicking a scene series in the regular report), which is returned by an object of the Chart3DSerieClickArg class.


The OnSeriesDoubleClick event is generated by the IPrxScene3D.DoSerieClick method.

The IScene3DSeriesClickArgs interface works only with uniform collection of scene series, which includes all scene objects (spheres, planes, surfaces, and so on).


  Property name Brief description
PointName The PointName property returns the name of the selected series point.
PointsCount The PointsCount property returns the number of selected points.
SerieName The SerieName property returns the name of the selected scene series.
SeriesCount The SeriesCount property returns the number of selected series.

See also:

Chart Assembly Interfaces