

The IScene3DDataSource interface contains properties that are used to determine a surface data source.


  Property name Brief description
ArrayX The ArrayX property determines all values along the OX axis.
ArrayY The ArrayY property determines all values along the OY axis.
ColumnCount The ColumnCount property returns the number of columns in a data source (along the OX axis).
NewColumn The NewColumn property adds a new column to a data source (value along the OX axis).
NewRow The NewRow property adds a new row to a data source (value along the OY axis).
RowCount The RowCount property returns the number of rows in a data source (data along the OY axis).
ValueX The ValueX property changes the value along the OX axis in the data source.
ValueY The ValueY property changes the value along the OY axis in the data source.
ValueZ The ValueZ property determines the value along the OZ axis in the data source.

See also:

Chart Assembly Interfaces