

The IScene3DCoordinates interface contains properties that are used to determine coordinate system parameters.


  Property name Brief description
AdditionalAxisValueX The AdditionalAxisValueX property returns the coordinate of the selected sphere (point)on the X axis.
AdditionalAxisValueY The AdditionalAxisValueY property returns the coordinate of the selected sphere (point) on the Y axis.
AdditionalAxisValueZ The AdditionalAxisValueZ property returns the coordinate of the selected sphere (point) on the Z axis.
AxisStep The AxisStep property determines a label display step along the main axes.
MaxX The MaxX property returns the maximum value of the X axis.
MaxY The MaxY property returns the maximum value of the Y axis.
MaxZ The MaxZ property returns the maximum value of the Z axis.
MinX The MinX property returns the minimum value of the X axis.
MinY The MinY property returns the minimum value of the Y axis.
MinZ The MinZ property returns the minimum value of the Z axis.
NonnumericValueX The NonnumericValueX property enables the user to set custom names of X axis points.
NonnumericValueY The NonnumericValueY property enables the user to set custom names for Y axis points.
NonnumericValueZ The NonnumericValueZ property enables the user to set custom names for Z axis points.
UseNumericAxes The UseNumericAxes property determines whether non-numeric values are displayed for axes.

See also:

Chart Assembly Interfaces