
Assembly: Chart;


The IChartStyleAbsoluteGroup interface contains properties and methods that are used to determine parameters of displaying a list of series groups.

Inheritance Hierarchy



  Property name Brief description
AbsoluteIndexOf The AbsoluteIndexOf property returns the index of a relative group of chart series, which includes the specified series.
Count The Count property returns the number of relative series groups in a list of series groups of the chart.
Item The Item property returns the specified relative series group.
RelativeIndexOf The RelativeIndexOf property returns the index of the specified series in a relative series group, which includes it.


  Method name Brief description
MakeAbsolute The MakeAbsolute method enables the user to place each series to an individual group.
MakeDefault The MakeDefault method sets default series arrangement.
MakeRelative The MakeRelative method enables the user to place all chart series in one group.

See also:

Chart Assembly Interfaces