
Assembly: Chart;


The IChartSelectedSeries interface contains properties and methods for a collection of the selected data series of the chart.


  Property name Brief description
AllowEdit The AllowEdit property determines whether the series values can be edited directly on the chart.
AtSecondaryAxis The AtSecondaryAxis property determines whether a secondary axis is used for the selected series.
Background The Background property determines the fill options of the selected collection of data series.
BorderPen The BordenPen property determines parameters of the data series border line.
Count The Count property returns the number of selected data series.
DisplayInLegend The DisplayInLegend property determines whether the series icons are displayed in the legend.
DisplayMarkers The DisplayMarkers property determines whether the data series markers are displayed.
DisplayShadow The DisplayShadow property determines whether the data series shadow is displayed.
EmptyLinePen The EmptyLinePen property determines parameters of the chart line with empty data.
IsEmpty The IsEmpty property returns whether the elements are present in the collection.
IsPropertyEqual The IsPropertyEqual property returns the result of verifying whether the property values of all the selected series are identical.
Item The Item property returns the series parameters on the chart by index.
LinePen The LinePen property determines parameters for a line of selected chart data series.
Marker The Marker property returns parameters of the marker of the selected data series on the chart.
MarkerSize The MarkerSize property determines the marker size of the selected data series of the chart.
MarkerType The MarkerType property determines the marker types of the selected data series of the chart.
PieDistanceCoef The PieDistanceCoef property determines the distance from the center of a pie chart to the last series segment.
SerieType The SerieType property determines the data series type.
Shadow The Shadow property returns parameters of the data series shadow.
UseSplineSmoothing The UseSplineSmoothing property determines whether a data series is smoothed.


  Method name Brief description
Add The Add method adds a series to the collection of the selected data series of the chart by the specified index.
AddSerie The AddSerie method adds a series to the collection of the selected data series of the chart by the specified parameter.
Clear The Clear method deselects all the selected series of the chart.
Remove The Remove method removes a series from the collection of the selected data series by the specified index.
RemoveSerie The RemoveSeries method removes the selected series from the collection of the selected data series of the chart.
SelectAll The SelectAll method selects all the data series that correspond to the specified parameters.

See also:

Chart Assembly Interfaces