
Assembly: Chart;


The IChartLabel interface contains properties to define parameters for data captions in a graph.

Inheritance Hierarchy




  Property name Brief description
AutoPlacement The AutoPlacement property determines whether the automatic placement is used.
BackgroundInfo The BackgroundInfo property determines properties of background fill for a label.
BorderPen The BordenPen property determines parameters of the label border line.
Cap The Cap property determines type of ending for a label line.
CapLength The CapLength property determines the length of the arrowhead of a label line.
CustomFormat The CustomFormat property allows setting custom number format for labels.
DataFormat The DataFormat property determines format of displaying text in data labels.
DisplayBorder The DisplayRegion property determines whether the borders of data labels are shown.
DisplayShadow The DisplayShadow property determines whether the data label is displayed with shadow.
Font The Font property determines parameters of text font used for data labels.
FontColor The FontColor property determines the font color for the data label.
FormattedText The FormattedText property determines formatted data label text in RTF format.
HideOnIntersect The HideOnIntersect property determines whether a label will be hidden in case of intersecting with another label.
HorizontalHotspotAlignment The HorizontalHotspotAlignment property determines the horizontal position of a label.
HotspotPositionCoef The HotspotPositionCoef property locates a data caption with respect to a column or a chart sector.
Hotspot The Hotspot property locates a data caption, that is, it is used to offset a caption along the X and Y axes.
IncludeMarkerOffset The IncludeMarkerOffset property allows taking into account and include into offset margin the marker size when offsetting a label.
Pen The Pen property determines parameters of a label line of the index or callout type.
Position The Position property determines data label position relative to a series (column, sector. line and so on). on).
Rectangle The Rectangle property returns the chart label coordinates and size.
Shadow The Shadow property returns the shadow parameters.
Text The Text property returns the text of data labels on the chart.
TextAngle The TextAngle property determines a label text rotation angle.
Type The Type property determines data label type.
VerticalHotspotAlignment The VerticalHotspotAlignment property determines vertical position of a text.
Visible The Visible property determines whether data labels are displayed.

Properties inherited from IChartAbstractItem

  Property name Brief description
Chart The Chart property returns the object of the IChart type, to which a graph element belongs.
Contains The Contains property checks if the point is included into the object.
Selected The Selected property determines whether a graph component is selected.


  Property name Brief description


The ResetChildrenInheritance method resets settings of all chart labels.


The ResetInheritance method resets settings of specific chart label.

See also:

Chart Assembly Interfaces