CustomFormat: String;
The CustomFormat property determines a custom format of numeric values of tooltips on the chart.
Available formats:
%Autovalue. Default. Automatic value format.
%Value. Point value.
%YValue. Value of point on the Y axis.
%Part. Stacked value.
%Percent. Shares in percents.
%PercentPart. Stacked parts in percents.
%PercentHundredth. Parts is a ratio of series point value to the sum of values of the same point of all series.
%PercentPartHundredth. Parts in percents.
To determine a format of data label view on the chart, use IChartHint.StringFormat.
Executing the example requires a form containing the components:
ChartBox with the ChartBox1 identifier.
UiChart with the UiChart1 identifier. It is required to set the number of points and series for UiChart1. The UiChart1 component is a data source for ChartBox1. To plot a chart, create the event handlers OnGetDataValue and OnGetSerieName.
Sub Userproc;
Chart: IChart;
Hint: IChartHint;
Color: IGxColor;
Font: IGxFont;
// Get chart
Chart := UiChart1.Chart;
// Get chart tooltips
Hint := chart.HintFormat;
// Enable tooltips
Chart.UseSignatureHint := True;
// Change tooltip background color
Hint.BackgroundInfo.Color := New GxColor.CreateRGB(120, 0, 120);
// Create a new color
Color := New GxColor.CreateRGB(127, 127, 127);
// Disable ability to take color from indicator for tooltip border
Hint.UseIndicatorColorForBorder := False;
// Apply new color for tooltip contour
Hint.BorderPen := New GxPen.CreateSolid(Color);
// Set default format
Hint.CustomFormat := "0,0000";
// Create a new font
Font := New GxFont.Create("Arial", 5);
// Apply new font for tooltips
Hint.Font := Font;
//Change color font
Hint.FontColor := Color;
// Change horizontal position of label on tooltip
Hint.HorizontalAlignment := ChartHorizontalAlignment.Left;
// Change format of tooltip displaying for stacked value
Hint.StringFormat := "%Part";
// Refresh chart
End Sub Userproc;
After executing the example, pointing the cursor on chart bars displays tooltips of the specified format.
See also: