BubbleSizeScale: Double;
The BubbleSizeScale property determines scale of bubbles.
Range of available values is [0; 3]. The default value is 1.
Executing the example requires a regular report with the Diagr identifier containing a bubble chart.
Add links to the Chart, Metabase, Report, Tab system assemblies.
Sub UserProc;
mb: IMetabase;
report: IprxReport;
chart: IChart;
Info: IChartBubbleInfo;
mb := MetabaseClass.Active;
report := Mb.ItemById("Diagr").Edit As IPrxReport;
chart := (report.ActiveSheet As IPrxTable).TabSheet.Objects.Item(0).Extension As IChart;
info := chart.BubbleInfo;
info.BubbleSizeScale := 2;
info.ShowNegativeBubbles := False;
info.RepresentedBubbleSizeMeasure := BubbleSizeMeasure.Width;
(report As IMetabaseObject).Save;
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example the following properties are set for the chart: bubbles scale equals to 2, bubbles with negative size are not drawn, bubble size is determined by the width.
See also: