

The IChartArea interface contains properties that are used determine chart area parameters.


  Property name Brief description
AutoPadding The AutoPadding property determines values of automatic paddings from the chart edges.
Padding The Padding property determines custom values of paddings from the chart edges.

Properties inherited from IChartCommonItem

  Property name Brief description
AutoPlacement The AutoPlacement property determines whether autoplacement is used.
BackgroundInfo The BackgroundInfo property determines fill properties.
BorderPen The BorderPen property determines outline parameters.
DisplayBorder The DisplayBorder property determines whether outline is displayed.
DisplayShadow The DisplayShadow property determines whether shadow is displayed.
Rectangle The Rectangle property determines coordinates and size of a chart element.
Shadow The Shadow property determines shadow parameters.

Properties inherited from IChartAbstractItem

  Property name Brief description
Chart The Chart property returns the object of the IChart type, to which a graph element belongs.
Contains The Contains property checks if the point is included into the object.
Selected The Selected property determines whether a graph component is selected.

See also:

Chart Assembly Interfaces