
Assembly: Chart;


The IChart interface contains properties and methods that are used to determine chart parameters.

Inheritance Hierarchy



  Property name Brief description
AxisX The AxisX property enables the user to specify parameters of the X axis on a chart.
AxisXPlacement The AxisXPlacement property determines whether it is possible to build a chart without indenting from the category axis.
AxisY The AxisY property enables the user to specify parameters of the Y axis on a chart.
AxisYSec The AxisYSec property enables the user to determine parameters of the secondary Y axis on a chart.
AxisZ The AxisZ property returns Z axis parameters on a chart.
BubbleInfo The BubbleInfo property returns bubble chart settings.
Caption The Caption property enables the user to determine chart caption parameters.
Changed The Changed property returns whether the current chart is changed.
ChartArea The ChartArea property enables the user to determine chart area parameters.
ChartAsImage The ChartAsImage property determines whether charts and maps can be displayed in a regular report using the HighChart and MapChart components respectively.
CircleInfo The CircleInfo property enables the user to determine pie chart parameters.
CircleInfoEx The CircleInfoEx property determines parameters of the pie chart with a secondary pie chart or a histogram.
Corridors The Corridors property returns the chart corridors collection.
DisplayHistogramm The Displaybar chartm property determines whether a frequency chart is displayed.
DisplayLegend The DisplayLegend property determines whether the legend is displayed.
DisplayMode The DisplayMode property determines a chart display mode.
DisplaySecondaryAxis The DisplaySecondaryAxis property determines whether a secondary axis is displayed.
DisplayVolume3D The DisplayVolume3D property determines whether a 3D chart type is displayed.
DisplayZAxis The DisplayZAxis property determines whether Z axis is displayed on a chart.
EditedSerie The EditedSerie property determines series index when the By Points or Drawing editing modes are enabled.
EnableHyperLinks The EnableHyperlinks property determines whether chart data series can be displayed as hyperlinks.
ExcludeInvisibleSeries The ExcludeInvisibleSeries property determines whether it is possible to rebuild a pie chart when excluding series via legend.
GapWidthCoef The GapWidthCoef property determines width of gap between bars of a histogram.
GraphArea The GraphArea property enables the user to specify parameters of chart plot area.
HistogrammInfo The HistogrammInfo property enables the user to determine frequency chart parameters.
InteractiveMode The InteractiveMode property determines an interactive mode.
IsConnectingLinesVisible The IsConnectingLinesVisible property determines whether connecting lines of chart columns are displayed.
IsDataLinkedDecor The IsDataLinkedDecor property determines whether series formatting is linked to the data source.
IsDirty The IsDirty property determines whether chart parameters have been changed.
Legend The Legend property determines legend parameters.
Orientation The Orientation property determines a chart orientation.
OverlapCoef The OverlapCoef property determines the width of series overlapping.
PointName The PointName property returns name of a graph point.
PointsCount The PointCount property returns the number of graph points.
RoundJoint The RoundJoint property determines whether corners of chart bars can be rounded.
SecondaryGapWidthCoef The SecondaryGapWidthCoef property determines gap width size of columns built on the secondary axis.
SecondaryOverlapCoef The SecondaryOverlapCoef property determines the overlap size of columns built on the secondary axis.
SelectedSeries The SelectedSeries property returns parameters of the collection of selected data series on the chart.
SeparateSecondaryAxis The SeparateSecondaryAxis property determines whether secondary axis is displayed.
Series The Series property enables the user to specify series parameters.
SeriesOrder The SeriesOrder property determines order of chart series.
StockStyle The StockStyle property determines a stock chart style.
Style The Style property determines a chart scale type.
StyleGroup The StyleGroup property determines parameters of displaying series groups' list.
SuppressSpaceTick The SuppressSpaceTick property determines whether additional tick marks are displayed for skipped ticks.
TickLabelSpacing The TickLabelSpacing property determines the number of categories between scale tick mark labels.
TickLabelSpacingAuto The TickLabelSpacingAuto property determines whether the number of categories between tick mark labels is calculated automatically.
Type The Type property determines a chart type.
UndoRedo The UndoRedo property determines parameters of the undo/redo stack in the chart.
UseZeroSubstitution The UseZeroSubstitution property enables the user to set replacement of missing values with zeroes.
UseAutoVisibleZoomScrollbars The UseAutoVisibleZoomScrollbars property determines whether to display scrollbars for a scaleable chart.

The UseMarkersThinning property determines whether automatic marker thinning is used.


The UseSignatureHint property determines whether data labels are displayed on the chart as tooltips.

Volume3DInfo The Volume3DInfo property enables the user to determine 3D chart parameters.
WickOffset The WickOffset property determines offset of fluctuation interval markers relative to a bar.
ZoomMode The ZoomMode property determines a scale type.


  Method name Brief description
GetNegativeBackground The GetNegativeBackground method returns fill color for negative chart columns.
GetPositiveBackground The GetPositiveBackground method returns fill color for positive chart columns.
GetTotalBackground The GetTotalBackground method returns fill color for chart total columns.
HitTestSeries The HitTestSeries method enables the user to get a chart series in the specified point.
LoadFromJSON The LoadFromJSON method loads JSON markup from a string variable.
LoadFromXml The LoadFromXml method loads XML markup from a string variable.
MakeBlackAndWhite The MakeBlackAndWhite method enables the user to display a chart in black and white format.
Refresh The Refresh method refreshes the chart on making changes in the dataset of the chart source.
ResetDataCache The ResetDataCache method resets data cache.
SaveImageToFile The SaveImageToFile method enables the user to save chart image to the specified file.
SaveToJSON The SaveToJSON method saves the JSON markup to the string variable.
SaveToXml The SaveToXml method saves the XML markup to the string variable.
SaveXAMLToFile The SaveXAMLToFile method loads a chart to a XAML file (*.xaml).

See also:

Chart Assembly Interfaces