

The ChartType enumeration contains types of charts.

It is used by the following properties and methods:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 Lines. Line chart.
1 Bars. Bar chart.
2 Areas. Area chart.
3 Multiple. Mixed chart.
4 Points. Scatter chart (shows lines).
5 Circles. Pie chart.
6 Petals. Radar chart.
7 Stock. Stock chart.
8 Candle. Bar chart with fluctuation intervals.
9 Dots. Scatter chart (shows dots).
10 SecondaryCircles. Pie chart with secondary pie chart.
11 SecondaryBars. Pie chart with secondary histogram.
12 BoxAndWhiskerType1. Box chart that automatically calculates summary statistics required for plotting. There is a restriction on the maximum series number.
13 BoxAndWhiskerType2. Box chart that is configured manually. It provides the user with additional options for plotting.
14 Bubbles. Bubble chart.
15 Doughnut. Doughnut chart.
16 StepLine. Stepped chart.
17 Cascade. Waterfall chart.

See also:

Chart Assembly Enumerations