

The ChartSerieProperty enumeration contains series general properties.

It is used by the following property:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 Text. Text.
1 IsLine. Line.
2 IsEmpty. Indicates whether elements are present in the collection.
3 AtSecondaryAxis. Indicates whether a secondary axis is used for the selected series.
4 PieDistanceCoef. Distance between pie chart center and extreme series sector.
5 AllowEdit. Series values can be edited directly on the chart.
6 BorderPen. Parameters of the data series border line.
7 BorderPenColor. Color of the data series border line.
8 BorderPenWidth. Width of the data series border line.
9 BorderPenStyle. Style of the data series border line.
10 LinePen. Parameters of the line of selected chart data series.
11 LinePenColor. Color of the line of selected chart data series.
12 LinePenWidth. Width of the line of selected chart data series.
13 LinePenStyle. Style of the line of selected chart data series.
14 EmptyLinePen. Parameters of the chart line with no data.
15 EmptyLinePenColor. Color of the chart line with no data.
16 EmptyLinePenWidth. Width of the chart line with no data.
17 EmptyLinePenStyle. Style of the chart line with no data.
18 Background. Variants of fill of the selected collection of data series.
19 BackgroundBackType. Fill type.
20 BackgroundColor. Fill color of the selected collection of data series.
21 BackgroundColorFirst. Start gradient color.
22 BackgroundColorLast. End gradient color.
23 BackgroundAngle. Gradient angle.
24 BackgroundImage. Parameters of the image used with the Image fill type.  
25 BackgroundDrawStyle. Background options.
26 BackgroundHatchStyle. Hatching parameters.
27 SerieType. Data series type.
28 DisplayMarker. Indicates whether data series markers are displayed.
29 Marker. Parameters of data series marker of the chart.
30 MarkerSize. Sizes of data series markers of the chart.
31 MarkerType. Types of data series markers of the chart.
32 MarkerSymbol. Types of icons used as chart series markers.
33 MarkerPen. Parameters of the marker line of the chart data series.
34 MarkerPenColor. Color of the marker line of the chart data series.
35 MarkerPenWidth. Width of the marker line of the chart data series.
36 MarkerPenStyle. Style of the marker line of the chart data series.
37 MarkerBrush. Marker brush parameters.
38 MarkerShadow. Indicates whether data series markers are displayed with a shadow.
39 MarkerShadowColor. Shadow color of the data series markers.
40 MarkerShadowDirection. Shadow direction of the data series marker.
41 MarkerShadowBlurRadius. Shadow radius of the data series markers.
42 DisplayShadow. Indicates whether data series are displayed with shadow.
43 Shadow. Parameters of chart elements shadow.
44 ShadowColor. Shadow color of chart elements.
45 ShadowDirection. Shadow direction of chart elements.
46 ShadowBlurRadius. Shadow radius of chart elements.
47 UseSplineSmoothing. Indicates whether data series are smoothed.
49 DisplayInLegend. Indicates whether series icons are displayed in the legend.

See also:

Chart Assembly Enumerations