Sub OnGetCategoryName(Sender: Object; Args: IUiChartCategoryNameEventArgs);
//set of operators
End Sub OnGetCategoryName;
Sender - parameter that returns the component that has generated the event.
Args - parameter that enables the user to determine event parameters.
The OnGetCategoryName event enables the user to determine names of points for category axis. The event occurs when a chart is rendered.
NOTE. Name format can be set using the UiChart.OnGetCategoryFormat event.
This example assumes that there is the UiChart1 object of the UiChart type.
Sub UiChart1OnGetCategoryName(Sender: Object; Args: IUiChartCategoryNameEventArgs);
Args.Result := DateTime.AddDays(DateTime.Now, Args.PointIndex);
End Sub UiChart1OnGetCategoryName;
Sub UiChart1OnGetCategoryFormat(Sender: Object; Args: IUiChartCategoryFormatEventArgs);
Args.Result := "dddd d MMMM yyyy";
End Sub UiChart1OnGetCategoryFormat;
After executing the example names of points of the category axis are created using the name of the weekday and the date:
See also: