
Assembly: Chart;


The ITrellisChart class is used to set up a Trellis chart.


Working with this class in Fore is not available.

The use of ITrellisChart is available in various development environments using the Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Chart.dll and Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Drawing.dll libraries.

Class object properties inherited from ITrellisChart

  Property name Brief description
ChartSettings The ChartSettings property returns general settings for all child charts on a Trellis chart.
ViewFrame The ViewFrame property determines settings for Trellis chart area.

Class object methods inherited from ITrellisChart

  Method name Brief description
Refresh The Refresh method refreshes Trellis chart data.
ResetDataCash The ResetDataCash method resets the data displayed on a Trellis chart.

See also:

Chart Assembly Classes