
Assembly: Andy;


The IWxView interface determines workspace display settings.

Inheritance Hierarchy




  Property name Brief description
ActiveShape The ActiveShape property determines an active shape.
ActiveTool The ActiveTool property determines an active tool.
BackgroundColor The BackgroundColor property determines workspace field color.
DisplayConnectionPoints The DisplayConnectionPoints property determines whether connection points are displayed.
DisplayFocusFrame The DisplayFocusFrame property determines whether a focal frame is displayed which is called by means of the TAB key.
DisplayGrid The DisplayGrid property determines whether the grid is displayed.
DisplayIntersections The DisplayIntersections property determines whether link crossing is displayed.
DisplayScrollBars The DisplayScrollBars property determines whether scrollbars are displayed.
DisplaySelections The DisplaySelections property determines whether object selection is displayed.
ExplorerMode The ExplorerMode property determines how shapes are selected, if ActiveTool is set to SelectOnly.
Fixed The Fixed property determines whether the workspace is blocked to scroll to negative coordinates area.
FocusedShape The FocusedShape property determines the shape placed in a focal frame, which is called by means of the TAB key.
GlueConnector The GlueConnector property determines whether a link in a free space can be created.
Id The Id property determines a view identifier.
Offset The Offset property determines image offset relative to the workspace center.
Scale The Scale property determines display scale.
SelectedShapes The SelectedShapes property determines parameters for a collection of selected shapes.
SelectionStyle The SelectionStyle property determines parameters for formatting the selected object in a workspace.
Size The Size property determines the size for workspace display.
Workspace The Workspace property returns the owner that is a workspace.

Properties inherited from IWxObject

  Property name Brief description
Protection The Protection property prevents object properties from being changed.


  Method name Brief description
AutoScroll The AutoScroll method centers the image of the workspace without zoom changes.
ArrangeShape The ArrangeShape method places a shape on a diagonal, which runs from the upper top left corner to the bottom right corner of the view.
AutoScaleAndScroll The AutoScaleAndScroll method centers and zooms a workspace image based on the view size.
ConvertPtToView The ConvertPtToView method converts the defined point in pixels into a point in millimeters.
CopySelectedShapes The CopySelectedShapes method copies the selected objects to clipboard.
CutSelectedShapes The CutSelectedShapes method cuts the selected objects to clipboard.
DeleteSelectedShapes The DeleteSelectedShapes method deletes the selected objects.
DrawOnGraphics The DrawOnGraphics method draws a workspace within a graphical context.
GetShapeByPt The GetShapeByPt method gets an object by the defined coordinate.
GroupSelectedShapes The GroupSelectedShapes method creates a group using the selected objects.
Paste The Paste method pastes objects from clipboard.
ScrollToShape The ScrollToShape method centers the workspace image respectively to the defined shape.
SelectAllShapes The SelectAllShapes method selects all workspace shapes.
SetBackgroundImage The SetBackgroundImage method sets the specified part of the image as the background for the workspace.
UngroupSelectedShapes The UngroupSelectedShapes method ungroups the selected shapes.
ViewToWorkspace The ViewToWorkspace method returns a workspace coordinate, matching the defined view coordinate.
WorkspaceToView The WorkspaceToView method returns a view coordinate that corresponds to the defined coordinate of the workspace.

Methods inherited from IWxObject

  Method name Brief description
BeginUpdate The BeginUpdate method disables object rerendering.
Delete The Delete method deletes an object.
EndUpdate The EndUpdate method enables object rerendering.

See also:

Andy Assembly Interfaces