

The WxWorkspace class implements graphical context for a workspace.

Properties inherited from IWxWorkspace

  Property name Brief description
DefaultStyle The DefaultStyle property returns a default style.
Modified The Modified property returns True if there are any changes made in a workspace.
Name The Name property determines a workspace name.
PageSettings The PageSettings property determines workspace page settings.
RedoNumSteps The RedoNumSteps property returns the number of steps that can be repeated.
Shapes The Shapes property returns a shape collection.
Size The Size property determines workspace size.
Styles The Styles property returns a workspace styles collection.
UndoEnabled The UndoEnabled property enables or disables logging history of undone and redone actions.
UndoNumSteps The UndoNumSteps property returns the number of steps that can be canceled.
Views The Views property returns a workspace views collection.

Methods inherited from IWxWorkspace

  Method name Brief description
AutoLinkShapes The AutoLinkShapes method connects two shapes with an automatic selection of connection points.
CreateArrow The CreateArrow method creates a figured arrow.
CreateBoxArrow The CreateBoxArrow method creates an arrow callout.
CreateDoubleArrow The CreateDoubleArrow method creates a two-headed arrow.
CreateDoubleBoxArrow The CreateDoubleBoxArrow method creates a two-headed arrow callout.
CreateEllipse The CreateEllipse method creates an ellipse.
CreateLink The CreateLink method creates a broken line.
CreateRectangle The CreateRectangle method creates a rectangle.
CreateRegulargon The CreateRegulargon method creates a polygon.
CreateRoundedRectangle The CreateRoundedRectangle method creates a rounded rectangle.
CreateStraightLink The CreateStraightLink method creates a connecting line.
CreateStyle The CreateStyle method creates a formatting style.
CreateView The CreateView property creates a workspace view.
DeglueConnectionPoints The DeglueConnectionPoints method separates points of two objects.
GlueConnectionPoints The GlueConnectionPoints method joins points of two objects.
LoadFromFile The LoadFromFile method loads a workspace from a file.
Redo The Redo method repeats the defined number of canceled actions.
SaveToFile The SaveToFile method saves a workspace to a file.
Undo The Undo method cancels a defined number of completed actions.

Properties inherited from IWxContainer

  Property name Brief description


The ChildShapes property returns a collection of shapes that are direct child objects.

Properties inherited from IWxObject

  Property name Brief description
Protection The Protection property prevents object properties from being changed.

Methods inherited from IWxObject

  Method name Brief description
BeginUpdate The BeginUpdate method disables object rerendering.
Delete The Delete method deletes an object.
EndUpdate The EndUpdate method enables object rerendering.

See also:

Andy Assembly Classes