Using Private Dimensions

Private dimensions are unique dimensions of data source that are belonging to only one data source on the report sheet.

Working with private dimensions is available in regular reports, express reports and dashboard visualizers based on several data sources.

To create an express report based on several data sources, see the Creating a Report by Several Sources article.

To create a dashboard visualizer based on several data sources, see the Selecting and Setting Up Visualizer Data Source article.

To create a regular report based on several data sources, create a data entry form, containing in the indicators structure more than one cube. The automatically created regular report will be available in the list of navigator objects when going to the data entry form in the object tree.

For example, report data sources have one unique dimension which contains cube facts. After private dimensions are located in columns, the report will have strict data division by source:

NOTE. Cube facts dimensions are always private dimensions.

Show or hide data source names in table

When working with private dimensions, the Private Dimensions and Fixed Private Dimensions side panel tabs are used on the Selection group of side panel tabs.

Working with private dimension elements is similar to working with elements of shared dimensions, except for features described below.

Fix private dimension

Unfix private dimension

Create a composite dimension

Delete composite dimension

Move dimension from shared to private

Move dimension from private to shared

Dimension generalization

Reorder private dimensions

NOTE. In the private dimension it is impossible to add a calculated element.

See also:

Setting Up Dimensions and Element Selection | Creating a Report by Several Sources