In this article:


Creating a Block

Preparing Hierarchical Dictionary Structure

Hierarchy of Blocks

Deleting Block


Creating an Index

Binding Index and Attributes

Deleting Index

Dictionary Structure

The Dictionary Structure page is used to create a logical structure of the future tree of elements.


Block is a basic element of the whole dictionary structure. Block is a conditional element which provides all elements from one data source on creating a dictionary. The number of blocks is unlimited, each of them will be bound to its source. Blocks can be general and recursive.

Creating a general block means that source records are directly projected to dictionary elements without defining any hierarchy. One general block presents one level of elements.

Creating a recursive block means that a dictionary hierarchy is created where an element can be a child of a number of other elements. In this case recursion depth depends on source data and cannot be calculated beforehand.

Creating a Block

To create a block, select the Blocks element or title of already created block, then execute one of the operations:

Set name and unique identifier of the block and block type: general or recursive.

The Parent Block Link Index drop-down list is available if the created block is a child one for any previously created block.

A primary index is created automatically for each block. This index will be used on building a dictionary to check for uniqueness and identify elements of this block only.

Preparing Hierarchical Dictionary Structure

When creating a hierarchical dictionary (dictionary which elements are located on several levels) data source location is taken into account:

Hierarchy of Blocks

Hierarchy of blocks is created by the following algorithm:

  1. After creating the first (parent) block select its name in the Blocks area and click the Add Block button.

  2. The dialog box for creating the second (child) block opens.

  3. In the opened dialog box specify name, identifier and block type. The Parent Block Link Index drop-down list is also available.

  4. Select a unique index of the parent block in the list. On creating a dictionary by values of attribute(s), included into the selected index, parent elements are searched. Comparing of the "parent-child element" type is executed based on the link established for index attributes.

Deleting Block

To delete the block, select its title in the list, then execute one of the operations:

The block will be deleted after confirmation.

NOTE. Child blocks will also be deleted.


Two types of indexes can be defined in the dictionary structure:

TIP. It is recommended to create a primary index in dictionary indexes and include the attribute with the Indicator purpose to it, or any other attribute, by which there are unique values assumed. To ensure correct work of the dictionary, it is not recommended in the future to include attributes, by which empty values may be, into indexes.

Creating an Index

To create an index, select the Indexes element in the Dictionary Blocks and Indexes area or inside any block, the execute one of the operations:

Set name and unique identifier of the created index. If required, specify index functioning using the checkboxes:

NOTE. When a table dictionary is set up as a calendar one, create a primary index with the following order of attributes: the first attribute - BLOCK_TYPE, the second attribute - START_DATE. This index must be the first in the list of dictionary indexes.

Binding Index and Attributes

To set attributes, which values will be checked by the index on creating a dictionary, execute one of the following operations:

Deleting Index

To delete index, select its title in the list and execute one of the operations:

The index will be deleted after confirmation.

See also:

Table Dictionary