The calculated cube features are implemented using a multidimensional calculation on database sever, but the actual calculation is executed on the database server to release resources of the local computer in the desktop application. The multidimensional calculation using specified formulas calculates the values of one cube's factors on the basis of the factor values of other cubes. The factor calculation formulas are stored in a special table.
To create multidimensional calculation, open the object navigator and select:
The Create > Other > Cube > Multidimensional Calculation on Database Server context menu item.
The New Object > Other > Cube > Multidimensional Calculation on Database Server item in the Create group on the Home ribbon tab.
After executing one of the operations the multidimensional calculation wizard opens. The wizard contains the pages:
Basic Properties. It is used to set object name, identifier and comment.
Parameters. A list of parameters is created
Properties. A database connection, in which calculation will be executed, is specified.
Sources. A list of standard cubes, which data will be used in calculation, is created.
Structure. A source cube is specified, and dimensions are fixed.
Formulas Table. The table, which will store calculation formulas, is specified.
Manage Parameters. Passing of parameter values to open objects used in multidimensional calculation is set up.
Controlling Dimensions. Management of dimension parameters using other cube dimensions is set up.
To define or edit multidimensional calculation formulas, open the object navigator and select the Edit Formulas context menu item.
Calculation is started:
From the formula editor dialog box.
From the object navigator:
Select the Execute item in the calculation's context menu.
On double-click on multidimensional calculation.
Executing any of these actions opens the Calculation Options dialog box.
See also:
Calculation Options │ Working with Cubes │ Creating Multidimensional Data Structures │ Cube