Setting Up ClickHouse

ClickHouse is an open-code columnar DBMS that allows for executing analytical queries in real time based on structured big data.

Installing and Setting Up ClickHouse

Execute the following operations to set up ClickHouse:

  1. Install the clickhouse-odbc driver to a computer with installed BI server.

  2. Install the clickhouse-client driver to a computer with installed BI server.

Load the clickhouse-client driver image for Windows OS from remote repository:

docker pull yandex/clickhouse-server

Then start the ClickHouse driver at the 8123 default port and the volume folder:

docker run -d --name clickhouse -p 8123:8123 --volume=/path to %temp%/:/var/lib/clickhouse/user_files  yandex/clickhouse-server

  1. Create the Database image in the repository with connection to the ClickHouse server. A detailed description is given in the Connecting to Relational Databases section.

  2. Create a repository variable EXTRACT_DB. As a value, specify ID of the Database object.

  3. Create a service user in the repository who will have access to required objects (models), set the LoginLogin to Object Navigator and Read and Open All Objects privileges.

  1. Start the PP.Util utility under the www-data user in Astra Linux, Ubuntu or the apache user in CentOS, RED OS, Rocky Linux, ALT Linux. Next, save service user credentials. The example of command:

sudo -u www-data PP_NODISPLAY=1 /opt/foresight/fp10.x-biserver/bin/PP.Util /save_creds mb_defenition /DEC login pass


After executing the command service user credentials are saved to the settings.xml file.

See also:

Building Data Model