Setting Up Search Index Update

A search index update task is used if BI search is set in repository. When setting up a task, additional parameters are added one the Parameters tab in the task setup wizard.

NOTE. Setting up search index update is available only in the desktop application.

To open the task setup wizard

There are two groups of settings on the tab: Data and Metadata. The data and metadata setting differs, except the following settings:

IMPORTANT. The indexing language is not selected by default. Select the language, otherwise data sources will not be indexed.

NOTE. On indexing sources, their metadata is also indexed.


To index elements of the dimensions that form data slices, click the Add button and select standard cubes or time series databases in the dialog box.

For each source:

Select the field in the Data Fields section of the dialog box, select the Fill checkbox and select fill option:


If a task is used to update sources metadata, click the Metadata button at the top of the tab to specify additional parameters:

Select sources, object classes and indexing language on the page:

See also:

Setting Up Task Object | Creating Scheduled Tasks