Creating and Managing Metadata Repositories

A repository is a warehouse for system and service information about platform objects: tables, dictionaries, cubes, and so on. To get started with Foresight Analytics Platform, it is required to create a metadata repository.

In later versions of as well Foresight Analytics Platform repository contents may change. To be able to use new features, it is recommended to update repositories after installing a new version of Foresight Analytics Platform. All the information about the latest repository structure is stored in files with the RM4 extension. To restore lost or modified data, it is available to create a repository backup and restore repository from backup.

The Repository Manager is used to facilitate metadata repository creating and managing in Windows OS.

The repository manager is a tool used by the application administrator to automate updating of Foresight Analytics Platform versions, repository and MDM repository versions.

There are two implementations of the repository manager depending on the operating system in use:

See also:

Setting Up Repository Access