Net Assembly Interfaces

  Interface Brief description
The INetAttachment interface contains email message attachment properties.
The INetAttachmentCollection interface contains properties and methods of the email message attachments collection.
The INetCollection interface contains base methods of addresses and attachments collections that are used on email messages sending.
The INetCommand interface contains basic properties and methods to work with network resources.
The INetCredentialCache interface provides the storage for multiple accounts.
The INetCredentialsByHost interface is used to restore mail server credentials.
The INetHttpCommand interface is used to set up parameters of work with network resource by HTTP protocol.
The INetHttpCommandCredential interface is used to specify credentials that are required for user authentication on network resources connection.
The INetHttpService interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with network resources using HTTP/HTTPS protocol.
The INetMailAddress interface contains email address properties.
The INetMailAddressCollection interface contains email addresses collection properties and methods.
The INetMailMessage interface contains email message properties.
The INetNetworkCredential interface provides credentials for the password based authentication schemes, such as basic, digest, NTLM and Kerberos.
The INetService interface contains basic method to connect to network resources.
The INetServiceProxy interface is used to determine proxy server settings that will be used on executing external internet queries.
The INetSmtpClient interface contains properties and methods for email messages sending using the SMTP mail service.

See also:

Net Assembly Enumerations | Net Assembly Classes | Examples