

The ILanerTable interface contains properties and methods used to work with the data table, that is created as a result of calculation of the working area.


  Property name Brief description
Cell The Cell property determines the value in the table cell.
CellName The CellName property returns cell name.
CellRevision The CellRevision property returns the latest revision when the cell data is changed.
CellRevisionDimension The CellRevisionDimension property returns the dictionary that contains data on revisions for the defined cell.
CellType The CellType property returns the type of a specified cell.
ColumnCount The ColumnCount property returns the columns count of the table.
CommentValues The CommentValues property returns identifiers of the attributes that are responsible for creation of comments for observation in the specified cell.
DataRights The DataRights property returns the information about the data access permissions for a defined cell.
FilterEndYear The FilterEndYear property returns the last displayable date.
FilterStartYear The FilterStartYear property returns the first displayable date.
FootnoteValues The FootnoteValues property returns an array containing values of the footnotes created for a cell with specified coordinates.
IsChanged The IsChanged property returns whether the table data was changed.
IsChangedCell The IsChangedCell property returns whether the cell data was changed.
IsEditableCell The IsEditableCell property returns that the cell is editable.
IsEditing The IsEditing property returns that the data edit mode is now active for the table.
IsEvaluatedCell The IsEvaluatedCell property returns whether the cell is editable.
IsVirtualCell The IsVirtualCell property returns that the cell does not belong to the series frequency.
LeftHeader The LeftHeader property returns the sidehead of a table header.
PrefixValues The PrefixValues property returns identifiers of the attributes that are responsible for prefixes creation for observation in the specified cell.
RowCount The RowCount property returns the number of table rows.
SeriesList The SeriesList property returns collection of workbook series.
TopHeader The TopHeader property returns the table top header.
SuffixValues The SuffixValues property returns identifiers of the attributes that are responsible for creation of suffixes for observation in the specified cell.


  Method name Brief description
Edit The Edit method activates the edit mode for data table.
Post The Post method exits edit mode without saving the data.
ReleaseCellValue The ReleaseCellValue method copies the calculated value of a defined cell to the initial series.

See also:

Laner Assembly Interfaces