

The TsParamType enumeration is used to determine a parameter type.

It is used by the following properties:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 Unknown. Type is not defined.
1 Simple. Numeric or string value.
2 Serie. Data series.
3 Date. Date.
4 Period. Period.
5 Selection. Dictionary elements selection.
6 Frequency. Frequency.
7 Hierarchy. Alternative hierarchy.


Features of setting parameter values depending on its type:

Parameter type Feature
Serie Value of parameter can be implemented by an object of the following interfaces: ITimeSeries, IMsResultObject, IMsForecastObject.
Date Value of parameter can be implemented by an object of the following classes: DateTime, String.
Period Value of parameter can be implemented by object of the IMsPeriod interface or dates array.
Selection Value of parameter can be implemented by object of the IDimSelection interface, array of dictionary elements' keys, number or string.
Hierarchy Value of parameter can be implemented by a key of one of the alternative hierarchies available in the IDimensionModel.Hierarchies collection.

See also:

Transform Assembly Enumerations