
Assembly: Topobase;


The ITopobase interface contains methods used to work with a repository map.

Inheritance Hierarchy




  Property name Brief description
AvailableFormats The AvailableFormats property returns the combination of values of the formats, to which the topobase was converted.
Tree The Tree property returns the topobase tree-structure.


  Method name Brief description
Convert The Convert method converts the topobase from the source format to the output format.
FormatLoadFromFile The FormatLoadFromFile method loads the topobase from a file.
FormatLoadFromStream The FormatLoadFromStream method loads the topobase from the stream.
FormatSaveToFile The FormatSaveToFile method saves the topobase to the file.
FormatSaveToStream The FormatSaveToStream method saves the topobase to the stream.
GetSpecificTopobase The GetSpecificTopobase method creates topobase by specified tree-structure.

Methods Inherited from  IDocumentBase

  Method name Brief description
GetAsStream The GetAsStream method creates a new stream connected to the given document.
LoadFromFile The LoadFromFile method loads the given file into the document.
LoadFromStream The LoadFromStream method loads the stream contents into the document.
SaveToFile The SaveToFile method saves the document contents into the file on the disk.
SaveToStream The SaveToStream method saves the document contents into the stream.

See also:

Topobase Assembly Interfaces