
Assembly: Metabase;


The IMetabaseObjectFindInfo interface contains properties that are used to set search conditions for repository objects.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Search conditions can be obtained using the IMetabase.CreateFindInfo method.

The specified search conditions are used by the IMetabase.Find method to search for objects.


  Property name Brief description
Attribute The Attribute property determines an attribute by the values of which the search is performed.
AttributeEx The AttributeEx property determines the attribute, by values of which the search will be executed.
CaseSensitive The CaseSensitive property determines whether the search is case-sensitive.
ClassId The ClassId property determines class of the objects which will be checked on searching.
ContainersContent The ContainersContent property determines whether search is executed among objects in container objects.
InternalObjects The InternalObjects property determines whether hidden objects are searched.
ScanHiddenFolders The ScanHiddenFolders property determines whether the search is performed in the hidden folders.
ScanNestedNamespaces The ScanNestedNameSpaces property determines if the nested namespaces are checked.
Scope The Scope property determines the area for search.
Text The Text property determines the text for search.
WholeWordsOnly The WholeWordsOnly property determines whether search will be performed by the whole string.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces