
Assembly: Metabase;


The IMetabaseManager interface is used to work with the repository manager.

Inheritance Hierarchy



The repository manager can be obtained using the IMetabaseManagerFactory.Active property.


  Property name Brief description
Classes The Classes property returns the collection of object classes available in the platform.
Definitions The Definitions property returns a description collection of repositories registered in repositories manager.
Drivers The Drivers property returns the collection of the DBMS drivers supported in the platform.
Packs The Packs property returns all packages of the platform security.


  Method name Brief description
BuildMetadataCache The BuildMetadataCache method updates metadata cache of all repositories.
BuildMetadataCacheForMb The BuildMetadataCacheForMb method updates repository metadata cache with the specified description.
CleanMetadataCache The CleanMetadataCache method resets metadata cache of all repositories.
CleanMetadataCacheForMb The CleanMetadataCacheForMb method resets repository metadata cache with the specified description.
RevertToObject The RevertToObject method transforms and returns object parameters or an object instance.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces