
Assembly: Metabase;


The IAuditLog interface contains properties and methods of the access protocol (event log) of the security manager.

Inheritance Hierarchy



  Property name Brief description
Archival The Archival property returns True if the current security protocol was loaded from the file.
Filter The Filter property returns a filter of the access protocol.


  Method name Brief description
Archive The Archive method archives the access protocol in the file.
ArchiveToDate The ArchiveToDate method archives a part of the access protocol in the file.
CountLogons The CountLogons method returns the number of records in the access protocol about the connection to the repository.
CountOperations The CountOperations method returns the number of records about the operations in the repository in the access protocol.
OpenLogons The OpenLogons method returns information about connections to the repository.
OpenOperations The OpenOperations method returns the list of operations that were performed in the repository, in the linear form.
OpenOperationTree The OpenOperationTree method returns the list of operations that were performed in the repository, represented in the tree-like form.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Interfaces