

The MetabaseObjectPredefinedRights enumeration contains a list of operations, on which user permissions can be granted, and access auditing can be executed.

It is used by the following properties and methods:

Available Values

Value Brief description
1 All. Complete access.
2 Read. Read object data.
While changing rights for this action rights will be changed automatically for the following operations: read descriptor (ReadDescr), read parameters (ReadPars), read metadata (ReadBody) also for additional operations: print (Print), export (ExportData) and specific operations: extract data, read formulas, execution, read dictionary elements, change rights for elements.
4 Write. Change object data.
While changing rights for this action rights will be changed automatically for the following operations: change descriptor (WriteDescr), change parameters (WritePars), change metadata (WriteBody), creation(Create_) and also for an additional operation import (ImportData) and specific operations related to data change: insert, delete, data change, table structure change, save data and formulas, procedure text change, dictionary elements change and add, rights for elements change.
8 Access. Change access permissions for an object.
When permissions for this action are changed, permissions for the following specific operations will be changed automatically: grant permissions for data, change permissions for elements.
16 Delete. Delete object.
When permissions for this action are changed, permissions for the following specific operations will be changed automatically: delete elements from dictionary, change permissions for elements.
256 ReadDescr. Read object descriptor (description).
512 WriteDescr. Change object descriptor (description).
1024 ReadPars. Read object parameters.
2048 WritePars. Change object parameters.
4096 ReadBody. Read object metadata.
8192 WriteBody. Change object metadata.
16384 Print. Print object.
32768 ExportData. Export object data.
65536 ImportData. Import object data.
131072 Create_. Create objects.


Values of this enumeration are used to change the following settings:

General operations can be executed with all repository objects. The Print, ExportData and ImportData operations are additional and available to objects, for which there is a possibility to print, export or import data. Different object classes can also have access to specific operations presented in the enumerations:

Additional and specific operations available for different objects types are presented in the Object Classes section.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Enumerations